Food Sensitivity (Food IgG) Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Bird IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Tryptase Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Human Anti Mouse Antibody HAMA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Multiple Specific IgE Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Allergy- High Multiple Specific IgE Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Inhalant IgE Positive- High IgE Human Plasma and Serum

Food IgE Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Insect Venom IgE Positive (I1, I3, I5) Human Plasma and Serum

Occupational IgE Positive (K71, K83, K82) Human Plasma and Serum

Antibiotic or Other Medicine IgE Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Mould Allergy Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Allergy Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Dustmite and other Domestic Inhallants IgE Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Epithelia, Dander or Epidermis IgE Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Grass and Weed Pollen IgE Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Tree Pollen IgE Positive Human Plasma and Serum

High (Elevated) Total IgE Human Plasma and Serum

Allergy Positive Human Serum and Plasma

Please see an example list of Allergy positive products we offer:

Please contact us with your specific needs and an account manager will be in contact to provide your solution