ANA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Ku Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Sm Positive Human Plasma and Serum

ANCA Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

GBM Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Cardiolipin IgG Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Cardiolipin IgM Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

B2GP1 IgG Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

B2GP1 IgM Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Intrinsic Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

PR3 Antibody- cANCA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Gliadin IgG Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Gliadin IgA Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

tTG IgG Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

tTG IgA Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

ENA - Extractable Nuclear Antigens Human Plasma and Serum

AMA M2 Positive Human Plasma and Serum

gp210 Positive Human Plasma and Serum

LC-1 Positive Human Plasma and Serum

LKM-1 Positive Human Plasma and Serum

M2 3E Positive Human Plasma and Serum

PML Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Ro-52 Positive Human Plasma and Serum

SLA/LP Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Sp100 Positive Human Plasma and Serum

ANA Negative Human Plasma and Serum

pANCA - MPO Positive Human Plasma and Serum

AMA M2-3E Positive Human Plasma and Serum

PL-12 Positive Human Plasma and Serum

SRP Positive Human Plasma and Serum

PCNA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

PMScl Positive Human Plasma and Serum

RF IgG Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

RF IgM Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

CCP IgG Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

SSA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

SSB Positive Human Plasma and Serum

TG Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

TPO Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

TSH Receptor Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Jo-1 Positive Human Plasma and Serum

dsDNA Antibody positive Human Plasma and Serum

Smooth Muscle Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Endomysium Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

ASCA Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Centromere Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

RNP Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Pm-75 Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Histone Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Diabetes Type 2 positive Human Plasma and Serum

Mitochondria Antobody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Parietal Cell Human Plasma and Serum

SCL-70 Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Celiac Disease Positive Human Plasma and Serum

PL-7 Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Cardiolipin IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

SLE Positive Human Plasma and Serum

DFS-70 positive Human Plasma and Serum

Bullous Pemphigoid Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Pemphigus Positive Human Plasma and Serum

B2GP1 IgA Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

RA33 Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Ribo P Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Sjogren’s syndrome positive Human Plasma and Serum

Rheumatoid Factor (RF) IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Addison’s Disease (Adrenal Antibody) Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Von Willebrand factor Human Plasma and Serum

ASCA Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Myastenia Gravis Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Pancreatic Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Autoimmune Liver Disease Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Nucleolar Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Paraneoplastic Pemphigus Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Actin Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Fibrillarin Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Th/To Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

RNA Polymerase Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Mi-2 Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Digestive Problems Clinically Manifested Human Plasma and Serum

Autoimmune Marker Positive Plasma Human Plasma and Serum

OJ Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

IgA Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Celiac Marker Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Specific Autoimmune Marker Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Autoimmune Positive Human Serum and Plasma

Please see an example of Autoimmune positive Specimens we offer:

Please contact us with your specific needs and an account manager will be in contact to provide your solution