Bartonella IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Toxoplasma IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Strongyloides IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Chlamydia trachomatis IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Chlamydia trachomatis IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Chlamydia trachomatis IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Adenovirus IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Adenovirus IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Adenovirus IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Bordetella pertussis IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Bordetella pertussis IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Bordetella pertussis IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Borrelia burgdorferi IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Borrelia burgdorferi IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Brucella abortus IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Brucella abortus IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Brucella abortus IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Campylobacter jejuni IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Candida albicans IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Campylobacter jejuni IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Candida albicans IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Candida albicans IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Candida albicans IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Chagas IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Dengue IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Yellow Fever IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

CMV IgG Low Avidity Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Cytomegalo Virus IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Cytomegalo Virus IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Zika IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Dengue Virus IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Dengue Virus IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Epstein-Barr Virus EBNA-1 IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Epstein-Barr Virus EBNA-1 IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Epstein-Barr Virus EBNA-1 IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Epstein-Barr Virus EA IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Epstein-Barr Virus EA IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Epstein-Barr Virus EA IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Epstein-Barr Virus VCA IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Epstein-Barr Virus VCA IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Epstein-Barr Virus VCA IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Enterovirus IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Enterovirus IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Enterovirus IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Helicobacter pylori IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Helicobacter pylori IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Helicobacter pylori IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Influenza A IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Influenza A IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Influenza A IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Legionella IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Measles IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Measles IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Mumps IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Mumps IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Mycoplasma hominis IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Mycoplasma hominis IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Mycoplasma hominis IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Polio IgG Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Parainfuenza virus 1/2/3 IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Parvovirus B19 IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Parvovirus B19 IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Parvovirus B19 PCRS Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Respiratory syncytial Virus IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Respiratory syncytial Virus IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Respiratory syncytial Virus IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Rubella IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Rubella IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Tick-borne encephalitis virus (FSME) IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Tick-borne encephalitis virus (FSME) IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum Toxoplasma IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Toxoplasma IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Ureaplasma urealyticum IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Varicella zoster IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Leptospira IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Syphilis TPHA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Syphilis VDRL and TPHA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Malaria Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Aspergillus fumigatus IgG Human Plasma and Serum

Hepatitis E Virus IgG Human Plasma and Serum

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA Positive (Chronic infection) Human Plasma and Serum Echinococcus IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Taenia IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgG Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus IgG 1/2 Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgG Negative Human Plasma and Serum

EBV IgG Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV 1) IgM Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgM Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Echinococcus IgG Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Parvovirus IgG Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Toxoplasma IgM Low Avidity IgG Human Plasma and Serum

Toxoplasma IgM Low Titre Human Plasma and Serum

West Nile Virus (WNV) IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Hepatitis E Virus IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Hepatitis A Virus IgM (HAV) Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Salmonella typhi IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

EBNA IgG Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Hepatitis D Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Salmonella typhi IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Human T-lymphotropic Virus I Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Human T-lymphotropic Virus II Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Chlamydia psittaci IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

C.dificile IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Anaplasma IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Babesia Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Influenza B IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Influenza B IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Influenza B IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Hepatitis B core IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Ascaris IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Toxocara canis IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Yersinia enterocolitica IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Yersinia enterocolitica IgA Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Yersinia enterocolitica IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA Positive (Acute infection) Human Plasma and Serum Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA Positive Genotype 5/6 Human Plasma and Serum

Negative Plasma

Negative Serum

Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) IgG

Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Elevated (High) IgA Human Plasma and Serum

Elevated (High) IgM Human Plasma and Serum

Legionella IgG Negative Human Plasma and Serum Human

Papilloma Virus IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum Measles

IgG Negative Human Plasma and Serum Mumps

IgG Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Coxiella burnetti Phase 1 IgG Human Plasma and Serum

Toxoplasma gondii IgG Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Cytomegalovirus IgG Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Cytomegalovirus IgG Negative Serum Human Plasma and Serum

Rubella IgG Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Rubella IgM Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Coxiella burnetti Phase 2 IgG Human Plasma and Serum

Leishmania IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Zika IgM Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Chikungunya IgM Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Chikungunya IgG Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Multiple Infectious Parameter Positive Human Plasma and Serum

ASO Anti Streptolysin Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Hantavirus IgG Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Entamoeba histolytica IgG Human Plasma and Serum

TORCH IgM Negative Human Plasma and Serum

Syphilis IgM Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Hepatitis B core Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

HCV (RNA neg) Antibody Positive Human Plasma and Serum

Infectious Disease Positive Human Serum and Plasma

Please see an example of Infectious positive specimens we offer:

Please contact us with your specific needs and an account manager will be in touch to provide your solution