Infectious Disease Positive Human Biospecimens

Experts in Infectious Disease Biospecimens

Bulk and Residual Clinical samples Available

Bulk Infectious positive human serum and plasmaBulk Infectious positive human serum and plasma
Infectious positive patient samples
Infectious positive patient samples

CMV IgM positive Bulk

Volume required: 500-800ml per donor

Number of lots: 1-3

Test data supplied: ELISA positive results

Matrix: Serum or defibrinated plasma

CMV IgM bulk plasma
CMV IgM bulk plasma

Recent Infectious Project Examples

Dengue IgM positive samples
Dengue IgM positive samples

Tropical Infectious positive Residual samples

Markers required:

  • Dengue IgM and IgG

  • Zika IgM and IgG

  • Chikungunya IgM and IgG

  • Dengue NS1

Samples required: 10-20 per marker with titre range

Test data supplied: ELISA results

Donor information: Age, Gender, Date of collection

Matrix: Serum

Get in touch

London Headquarters
London Headquarters